State Planting Resources

This page is designed to get you quickly to the information you need to establish monarch habitat on your land. Click on the state in which you live below. You’ll then find information on:

  • Incentive and cost share programs  - these programs include technical help and cost sharing and can be tailored to your needs
  • Commercial seed providers and resources – find local and regional seed providers to work with to establish monarch and other pollinator habitat
  • Technical assistance – organizations listed under technical assistance will walk you through the process and are there to answer any questions you may have
  • Informational resources – there is a wealth of information out there to help you make your decisions. We’ve compiled the best state-specific information to help you better understand the issues and what you can do to help.

We have initially developed specific lists of programs and resources for states in the Midwest, highlighted below, with other states being added soon. If your state is not yet highlighted, it doesn’t mean you can’t still help the monarch and other pollinators!  See our National Information page to find your local USDA Service Center and other nationally available planting resources. Please note, the resources listed on this site are not necessarily affiliated with Farmers for Monarchs or the Keystone Monarch Collaborative.


Milkweed Stem Goals: Not established.

Monarch Conservation Plan: The Arizona Monarch Collaborative serves as a central location for sharing monarch information across the state and is developing a state action plan to implement the WAFWA Monarch Conservation Plan in Arizona.


By 2029, a minimum of 50,000 additional acres of monarch-friendly habitat will be provided in the California’s Central Valley and adjacent foothills.

Monarch Conservation Plan: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies


Milkweed Stem Goals: 150,000,000 milkweed stems, along with appropriate nectar sources to the landscape, by 2038.

Monarch Conservation Plan: The Illinois Monarch Project strategy has been finalized.  Current Draft.


Milkweed Stem Goals: To be determined in winter/spring of 2019.

Monarch Conservation Plan: Indiana held a Monarch Conservation Summit September 19th/20th of 2017 and are aiming to establish a plan as soon as possible. Current Plan


Milkweed Stem Goals: Iowa’s strategy estimates 127,000,000-188,000,000 new stems will be established on 480,000-830,000 acres.

Monarch Conservation Plan:  Iowa Monarch Conservation Strategy


Milkweed Stem Goals: Under development.

Monarch Conservation Plan: The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism is currently working with partners in the development of goals, objectives, strategies, and action items as part of the Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan. Current Draft



Milkweed Stem Goals: TBD

Monarch Conservation Plan:  Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) is facilitating a series of sector-based stakeholder groups to identify ways to meet Minnesota’s goals as outlined in the Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy. Results of these meetings will be folded into the MN DNR’s Native Pollinator Action Plan, which is in draft form.  Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy, Page 197


Milkweed Stem Goals: 385,000 acres (19,000 acres per year) of additional habitat with 200 milkweed stems/acre by 2036.

Monarch Conservation Plan: Plan Document



Milkweed Stem Goals: The State of Ohio’s goal is to add 95M milkweed stems (plants), along with appropriate nectar sources to the landscape by 2035, representing habitat improvements on approximately 1.85M acres of land.

Monarch Conservation Plan: No plan released but there is a single convening organization for Ohio.


Milkweed Stem Goals: Staff from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation are currently working on determining monarch habitat baseline conditions in this region. Once a baseline is established, a regional conservation target (or set of targets) will be determined for the South Core, and Oklahoma will take a portion of that target to be implemented within the state.

Monarch Conservation Plan: OMPC Statewide Monarch Conservation Plan and Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy (page 230)


Milkweed Stem Goals: The State of Texas has not yet determined a monarch habitat conservation/ restoration goal.

Monarch Conservation Plan: A Texas Monarch Consortium is slated to be created but has not yet. In addition, a Texas Monarch and Native Pollinator Conservation Plan was published in April of 2016.


Milkweed Stem Goals: The goal is expected to be finalized by the Collaborative in 2018 during the development of the Wisconsin Monarch Conservation Strategy.

Monarch Conservation Plan