Endangered Species Act

The 4(d) Rule and Critical Habitat Explained: Flexible Conservation Benefiting the Monarch and the Farmer

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Listen to the audio article of this post. This is the second installment of a three-part series detailing the listing process under the Endangered Species Act for the monarch butterfly. Welcome back to Farmer for Monarchs’ series on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing process for the monarch butterfly. In our first post, we examined […]

Endangered Species Act

Final Monarch Listing Decision Timeline Among Topics Addressed at FFM Plenary Meeting

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Where are the monarchs now? The monarch migration is now moving through Iowa and has entered northern Kansas. By the week of September 25th they should reach central Oklahoma. The first monarchs usually reach the border with Mexico in the first week of October. Follow their migration at Journey North. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s […]

Endangered Species Act

Monarchs and the Endangered Species Act

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Where are the monarchs now? The monarchs are well into their northward journey and are being seen as far north as northern Nebraska, North Dakota and Minnesota. Follow their migration at Journey North. May 19 is Endangered Species Day, commemorated annually to raise awareness and promote the conservation of endangered species around the world. The […]

Endangered Species Act

Report: International Union for the Conservation of Nature Designates Monarch Butterfly as Endangered

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The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a membership union of government and civil society organizations headquartered in Switzerland, added the monarch butterfly to its “red list” of threatened species and categorized it as “endangered” — two steps from extinct, according to an article published today by the Associated Press. IUCN’s members work […]

Endangered Species Act

Don’t let Milkweed Myths keep you from Supporting Monarch Habitat

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Populations of the monarch butterfly remain low. The population east of the Rocky Mountains, which overwinters in Mexico, fell 53 percent from the previous year’s count. Those west of the Rockies, which overwinter in California, tallied in near last year’s record low just over 29,000 individuals. Habitat loss, particularly the loss of milkweed plants, which […]

Endangered Species Act

Data Collection Critical in Monarch Listing Decision, Supporting Habitat

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While the decision of whether the monarch butterfly should be listed as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act will not occur until this upcoming December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is currently gathering the information they need on nationwide conservation efforts to aid in their decision-making. To accomplish this, […]