Monarch Population Counts

The Livelihood of both Farmers and Monarchs Threatened by a Changing Climate

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Today is the first day of Pollinator Week, an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. The theme of this year’s Pollinator Week is emphasizing the connections between climate and pollinators. Few individuals are as closely tied to the weather patterns as farmers. Farmers track temperature, […]

Endangered Species Act

Monarchs and the Endangered Species Act

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Where are the monarchs now? The monarchs are well into their northward journey and are being seen as far north as northern Nebraska, North Dakota and Minnesota. Follow their migration at Journey North. May 19 is Endangered Species Day, commemorated annually to raise awareness and promote the conservation of endangered species around the world. The […]


No Mow May Gaining Momentum in the United States

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Where are the monarchs now? The monarchs are well into their northern migration and can be found throughout the Midwest. Monarchs have been sighted as far north as Indiana. Follow their migration at Journey North. A campaign that started in England urging landowners to avoid mowing their lawn is steadily gaining momentum in the United […]

Field reports

Western Monarch Population Rebound Continues in 2022 but Winter Storms Could Impact Spring Breeding Population

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The western monarch population continued its growth in 2022, according to overwintering count totals recently released by the Xerces Society. The 2022 Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count tallied 335,479 monarchs, an increase from the remarkable rebound from the previous year, which came in at nearly 250,000. The annual Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count surveyed 272 overwintering sites. According to the Xerces […]